Miracle in Lane two first aired on Disney Channel on May 13, 2000, it was directed by Greg Beeman and starred Frankie Muniz who played the main protagonist of Justin Yoder .
Based on a true story, a 13-year-old boy who uses a wheelchair is determined to win a trophy like his athletic older brother.
Miracle in the Lane two brings awareness to the various topics that people with disabilities have struggled with on a day-to-day basis such as ableism and equality, inclusion, and acceptance, alongside sibling rivalry in friction within the family due to Justin’s spina bifida .
In the film, Justin’s determination and character will stand out the most despite all the challenges and obstacles he faced he never gave up he always tried to figure out a way to fit in whether it be trying out for a little league baseball or losing in a chess tournament .
He never gave up until he found something that worked for him in order for him to fit into society and show his different abilities honestly I’m not trying to give them any spoilers away for those that haven’t seen the movie but I would definitely say for a movie that aired in the early 2000s were there was a lack of representation within disability in film, I would definitely say that this film is groundbreaking and teaches people the many life lessons about those with disabilities and the lesson that is
people with disabilities are just like ordinary people they just have to adapt to the world and use many
different things to get around and we shouldn’t judge someone based on their different abilities.
That’s what makes this film so groundbreaking and that’s what makes it 10 times more powerful than the ordinary films you would normally see about disability back then were the person had a disability and everyone pity’s them .
Versus when you see Justin you just become more and more encouraged to go after your dreams and you wanna root for Justin and you don’t want to feel pity for him.
That’s what I think makes this film so groundbreaking is that it gives you a different narrative of disability and a positive narrative toward disability while showing the raw truth between sibling rivalry and what it’s like for siblings of those with special needs to take the journey to which is something we did not see in movies back then .
And that’s what makes the film so phenomenal considering the time period it came out in and considering it dives deep into various topics that some people may not even know about and the fact that it educate people on what it’s like to live with the disability makes it 10 times more phenomenal .