Over the years, disability and representation within film has always been something as ordinary people with disabilities have tried to bring awareness to by telling our stories one day at a time.
Although there have been many improvements too disability and representation within the film industry there’s also still an obstacle that we still come across although there’s various movies that we could relate to as individuals with disabilities .
There’s still the main issue of movies that represent certain disabilities don’t all represent us as a whole and what we go through on a day-to-day basis for example I consider margarita with a straw to be one of the best movies to represent those with cerebral palsy since I could relate to the character Layla and her desires to wanna discover who she is as someone who not only struggles physically with accepting herself but sexually as well but later on she is comfortable enough to identify as a bisexual woman living with Cerebral Palsy .
As I do have come to terms with being identifying as an Afro Latina who was born with cerebral palsy but is also a Demisexual woman I totally connected to Layla and her story and how it was written .
But when I told a few of my friends that also had CP about the movie some of them didn’t connect with the film some of them were almost bored with it and that’s the problem with the representation film is that you constantly have to create multiple to please everyone because you’re not gonna be able to represent everyone in one film or in one television show for instant.
So how do we fix the problem of lack of representation in films and television shows for those with disabilities and getting the proper representation for all of us who want to connect with television and film?
We write more screenplays and we produce them in Hollywood that’s the only way we’re gonna get the proper representation and we need more disability film writers and actors to take part in these rules that need the proper representation .
With each new film with different stories to be told I think they’re gonna be a collection of films that do represent us all .